Friday, August 12, 2011

If Russia and Iran create an oil partnership will US bullies try and destroy Iran for the oil?

We all know how the US wants to govern the world and make everybody except cultural destrution for capitalism and 'market economies'. But what happens if a strong culture and people want to govern their own way in the world. We all know how the liberal marxists,capitalists whatever you want to call them pretend we need immigration for higher GDP and prosperity. When in fact its just a way of diluting any strong culture and preventing them from fighting back. So if Russia decides to make its own choices in the world and as we know the US always decides when it wants to act. The UN told the US not to invade Iraq but it did. The US cut the heart out of the cultural heartland of Serbia and decided to call it another country, which now gives a Muslim Albanian stronghold in the Balkans which is going to cause huge trouble in the long run. Does the US really want a nuclear all out war because they seem to be a law unto themselves at the moment. The only god they listen to is themselves and solely themselves. All nations have a foreign policy but the US policy is divide and conquer and since Russia stopped the cold war the US now thinks it can rule over everybody now. I dont think so and i dont think the US wants to go for an all out nuclear war with Russia. If they take out most of your major cities the US would crumble from lack of direct control of the country and its infrastructure. Just remember that when you try and taunt and stick your fingers up to proud and patriotic nations like Russia. I hope world war 3 does happen and Russia nukes that evil nation called the USA. And i'm British and my country is owned by you s. Go and nuke em Russia for all our sakes

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